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Top 12 Benefit of Having S£x You Don't Know


12 Benefit of Having Sex 

A excellent approach to improve your relationship with your lover is through sex. It may result in happy sentiments being physically felt by you. Intercourse not only elevates your mood but also benefits your body's general wellness.

It innately lowers blood pressure and heart attack risk. It enhances stress levels, immunological system, immune function, and pelvic muscles.
The advantages of a healthy sex life are numerous.

The general wellbeing of the body and mind depends on having healthy sexual relationships. Sex is advantageous for a variety of reasons in addition to deepening your bond and relationship with your partner. Your body will work better if you have a healthy sexual life. Let's look at it.

 1. Sex improves immune function

Your body uses your immune system to defend itself against hazardous illnesses and infections. Your bodyguards are them. Your immune system will aid in your recovery during the winter and flu season. There are many strategies to strengthen your immune system, including vitamins, sunlight, water consumption, and sex. The quantity of antibodies that fight the flu and colds increases with sex.

2. Aids Women Control Their Bladder

Many women struggle with bladder control, especially after giving birth. The weakening of the pelvic floor muscles is the cause of incontinence. Sexual activity works certain muscles, strengthening them.

3. Reduces Blood Pressure

The issue of high blood pressure is getting worse. Numerous Americans suffer from high blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure has been shown to decrease during sexual activity. Masturbation does not lower blood pressure, but it does lower stress levels, according to studies.

4. Boosts Libido

There are several products available on the market to boost libido, including pills, lotions, foods, and supplements. Sexual activity is one of the best ways because it is the most natural. Vaginal lubrication and blood flow are both boosted by sex.

5. Uses energy

Sex is considered exercise. Although it doesn't burn calories as effectively as running, it does burn roughly five calories every minute. Your heart and muscles work out during sex.

6. Decreases Risk of Heart Attack

Studies have shown that a man with a healthy sex life has half the risk of a heart attack. Intercourse once or twice a week is considered a healthy amount. Sex helps balance hormones in men and women that play a huge role in your body’s health.

7. Helps with Sleep

If you’re having trouble sleeping, don’t reach for medication, have sex. Orgasms naturally produce prolactin. Prolactin causes you to feel sleepy and relaxed. Studies found that women produce more estrogen after sex. That positively affects women’s REM cycle.

8. Reduces Stress

Sex reduces your stress level a few ways. Sex causes a positive chain reaction. First, intercourse and affection causes your body to release hormones that make you feel happy. Studies have shown that couples that are closer and more intimate have better relationships. Better relationships cause increased self-esteem. 

Next, intercourse causes your brain to release chemicals that are responsible for your sense of pleasure and your feelings of reward. All of which reduce stress and anxiety .

9. Sex helps your penis perform

Having sex keeps your member going strong, according to a study published in the American Journal of Medicine .

And you don’t really have to use it that often to notice the benefits: In the five-year Finnish survey of nearly 1,000 men aged 55 to 75 years old, those who got some action just once a week were half as likely to develop erectile dysfunction (ED) than men who got lucky a little less often.

An erection delivers crucial amounts of oxygen to your penis. Low oxygen levels can cause scar tissue to develop, which can make it hard to get hard.

But if you’re going through a dry spell, remember that other factors you’re in control of, like smoking and inactivity, also raise your ED risk. 

Making healthy lifestyle choices and following these strategies for stronger erections can help.Sex helps your penis perform

Having sex keeps your member going strong, according to a study published in the American Journal of Medicine .

And you don’t really have to use it that often to notice the benefits: In the five-year Finnish survey of nearly 1,000 men aged 55 to 75 years old, those who got some action just once a week were half as likely to develop erectile dysfunction (ED) than men who got lucky a little less often.

An erection delivers crucial amounts of oxygen to your penis. Low oxygen levels can cause scar tissue to develop, which can make it hard to get hard.

But if you’re going through a dry spell, remember that other factors you’re in control of, like smoking and inactivity, also raise your ED risk. Making healthy lifestyle choices and following these strategies for stronger erections can help.

10. Sex reduces the risk of prostate cancer

According to a study from Boston University School of Public Health, regular ejaculation reduces your risk of developing prostate cancer.

Nearly 32,000 males were polled by researchers about how frequently they ejaculated, and they followed up with them for 18 years.

When compared to males who didn't ejaculate as frequently, they discovered that men aged 20 to 29 who ejaculated at least 21 times per month had a 19% lower risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer.

The advantage was considerably greater for older men: Prostate cancer risk was reduced by 22% in males aged 40 to 49 who met the same ejaculation requirements.

While more research needs to be done to confirm the findings, the study authors believe that frequent ejaculation may play a part in clearing out any cancer-causing infections that could develop within your prostate.

The more you masturbate, the lower your prostate cancer risk, too, the study found so feel free to supplement your sex with solo sessions

 11. Sex might help ease your headache

An orgasm might act as a natural pain-reliever, according to a 2013 German study. Your brain is bombarded with endorphins, neurotransmitters that produces feeling of pleasure and pain relief, during sex, so researchers wanted to find out if having sex while your head is aching might ease the pain.

They surveyed nearly 300 people with migraines and more than 60 with cluster headaches who had sex during an episode, and found that 60 percent of migraine sufferers and 37 percent of those with cluster headaches said they felt better afterward.

12. Sex makes you less angry about your job.

A recent study in the Journal of Management found that having a wonderful sex life makes you happier at work and may even improve your performance.

Researchers from Oregon State University invited 159 married workers to respond to two surveys each day for two weeks.

The participants recorded how many times they engaged in sexual activity from the end of their workday to the following morning. They then responded to questions regarding their feelings of happiness and engagement at work in the afternoon.

People who engaged in sex the night before work were more likely than those who didn't to fully commit to their work and enjoy their time at the office the following day.

That might happen because sex produces a significant “morning positive effect,” the researchers say, meaning all of the good feelings associated with sex, mainly stemming from feel-good chemicals like oxytocin and dopamine, carried over and produced a nice mood boost the next day, too.

13. Sex makes your relationship better

It’s no secret that sex is pretty much a must in a long-lasting relationship, but get this: You only need to get busy once a week to keep both of you happy.


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