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According to the American Cancer Society, Pregnancy test can detect testicular cancer. 

Pregnancy tests work by detecting a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropine (HCG), which is produced by the embryo in development during pregnancy. This hormone is also produced by certain types of tumors, including one of the various varieties of testicular cancer that exist. 

This implies that if a man undergoes a pregnancy test and comes positive, that means there are abnormal levels of beta-HCG, which could be a warning sign of a possible testicular cancer.

This is definitely not a medical method to diagnose Testicular cancer but it is a one step towards uncovering possibility of testicular cancer. 

At least 1 in 250 men is at risk of testicular cancer  - with early detection, this number can be further reduced.

Why are people using pregnancy tests for testicular cancer?

The use of a home pregnancy test to detect testicular cancer goes back to a social media post from several years ago. In it, the poster described his male friend’s positive pregnancy test.

Various comments urged the poster to tell his friend to see a doctor, as a positive pregnancy test in a male could be a sign of testicular cancer. After visiting a doctor, it did turn out that the test-taker had a small testicular tumor.

The rationale behind this is that testicular tumors can lead to an increase in a hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). This is the same hormone that’s detected by home pregnancy tests.

Therefore, if a male uses a home pregnancy test and receives a positive result, it means extra hCG has been detected in the urine.

However, this is in no way a diagnosis. It should prompt a doctor’s visit for further testing.

Can pregnancy tests actually detect testicular cancer?

Testicular cancer is associated with elevated levels of certain markers, including hCG. The common diagnostic tests for testicular cancer work to detect these markers in a person’s blood.

Cancer markers can also be present in urine. Because of this, it’s technically possible for a home pregnancy test to detect testicular cancer.

What are the potential downsides of using a pregnancy test to detect testicular cancer?

If you use a pregnancy test to check for testicular cancer and it says "not pregnant," that doesn't necessarily mean you don't have cancer. Some types of testicular cancer don't make the hormone that the test detects. 

Positive result
If a home pregnancy test shows a positive result for hCG, it could indicate the presence of testicular cancer. However, elevated hCG levels can also be a sign of other conditions, such as a germ cell tumor or a non-cancerous condition called a trophoblastic disease.

This means that a positive pregnancy test doesn't necessarily mean you have cancer, and further testing is needed to determine the cause of the elevated hCG levels.

If you use a pregnancy test to check for testicular cancer and it says "pregnant," that could mean you have cancer. But it could also be a sign of other problems. You need more tests to figure out what's going on.

Good health is true wealth. Know your risks.

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